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Vehicle Lifts

EV1520 Heavy Duty Inground Lifts

EV1520 Heavy Duty Inground Lifts Image

Challenger is the exclusive manufacturer of the only 15,000 lb. capacity heavy duty inground lifts in the market. The EV1520 Heavy-Duty arms are engineered to lift heavier commercial vehicles and require less shop space than heavy-duty two post lifts, making the EV1520 inground lifts a great choice.

The EV1520 heavy duty inground lifts are equipped with standard, medium and high extension stack adapters to accommodate a wide variety of Heavy-Duty vehicle lift points. Our Heavy-Duty Inground Lifts are fully contained in a recycled polymer housing to protect your investment and the environment.

Our traditional EV1520 inground lifts include Part# 10315 Stack Adapter Extension Kit , #10318 Four Frame Engaging Truck Adapters, #10317 Four Reducer Bushings for use with 10318. Frame engaging adapters (Part #10314 or 10318) are REQUIRED when lifting vehicles with frame construction.

EV1520 Heavy Duty Inground Lifts

EV1520 Heavy Duty Inground Lifts Image

Challenger is the exclusive manufacturer of the only 15,000 lb. capacity heavy duty inground lifts in the market. The EV1520 Heavy-Duty arms are engineered to lift heavier commercial vehicles and require less shop space than heavy-duty two post lifts, making the EV1520 inground lifts a great choice.

The EV1520 heavy duty inground lifts are equipped with standard, medium and high extension stack adapters to accommodate a wide variety of Heavy-Duty vehicle lift points. Our Heavy-Duty Inground Lifts are fully contained in a recycled polymer housing to protect your investment and the environment.

Our traditional EV1520 inground lifts include Part# 10315 Stack Adapter Extension Kit , #10318 Four Frame Engaging Truck Adapters, #10317 Four Reducer Bushings for use with 10318. Frame engaging adapters (Part #10314 or 10318) are REQUIRED when lifting vehicles with frame construction.

Financing is available

We offer the best finance programs in the business. We know how to be creative to ensure your equipment investment will be a profit center for your business.

Ask us today to put a program together for your business. The cost of not having the right equipment far exceeds the investment of having it. Technology is not slowing down, it is critical to have the right equipment or you will be left behind wondering were all your customers have gone!

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